Many would think, Aghast, what gratitude is to do with Travel!
Well, this gratitude is for all the worldly experiences life has given me, recent being a fortuitous to attend the much publicized ‘Royal Wedding’ in London. It had so much fanfare attached to it that almost every day I was reading who will wear what, from Hollywood to Priyanka Chopra to British Royals.
This was a chance of lifetime and wouldn’t want to miss, knowing it will sure make a visit pretty-hectic, especially when it is for a short period of time, I went ahead with the collab. Getting inn there was like a fairy-tale in between the beautiful white garden roses, peonies, and fox gloves adorning St. George’s Chapel, which the couple decided should be delivered later to the patients of St. Joseph’s Hospice in London.
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Blogged By Deepa Srivastava Kumar