The New Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata regionals churned out the top eleven contestants from over two thousand entries submitted during Let’s Design 5. These finalists were then invited to New Delhi, where they faced multiple challenges to prove their aesthetic sense and technical skills by reinventing cotton like never seen before

 The first challenge given to the contestants was to re-invent the Little Black Dress. Ever since, Coco Chanel came up with a black cocktail dress to suit the jazziness of the 1920’s, LBD has been known as the most versatile classic of fashion industry. From Tiffany’s Audrey to Devil Wears Prada’s Hathaway, every star and in fact, every girl has sworn to the elegance of LBD. Therefore, to reinvent this classic silhouette in all time classic fabric- cotton and in their own unique aesthetic and style was indeed a real task for the designers. But they came up with some interesting ensembles, from asymmetrical hemlines to exaggerated shoulders to detailed necklines; the designers had a lot to offer. Based on this task, the jury chose the final eight contestants, who then moved to the next round.

 The second task involved designing a denim ensemble with a feminine and chic look. Most of us associate denim with comfort and toughness. The perception of denim is the perfect outdoor fabric. Denim can be rough, quirky, punk-y, but sexy and chic? Now, that’s a challenge. But again, the contestants came up with some amazing ideas. Patchwork, clinched waists, closed necks, pleated peplums, flared sleeves; the designer’s left no stone unturned and the result were outstanding. Based on this task, the jury selected the final five contestants who moved on to the grand finale round of Let’s Design 5, which was the real testing water from where only one designer would emerge as the winner of Let’s Design season 5 grabbing not just the grand prize money but a chance to showcase his/her collection at FDCI’s WIFW SS14 along with a four page spread in Verve magazine.


Witness the epic battle of final five designers fighting it out to be the next top designer in India on zoOm at 6pm on March 1, 2013