Fashion retailer Glassons has come out with a D-minus rating in the latest Australian Fashion Report, which looked at the ethical practices of a number of clothing companies.

The report, commissioned by Baptist World Aidsurveyed 219 fashion brands on their policies, transparency, monitoring and training and workers’ rights.The report was generated in the wake of the 2013 Rana Plaza factory collapse in Bangladesh – in which 1100 workers lost their lives.

1Being involved in controversies like utilizing dummies with their ribs showing and an ad featuring a woman riding a bull which aroused anger in animal rights groups, Glassons got F rating except for its policies category in which they received D-plus rating.

Australian fashion brands including the Just Group, Ally, Valley Girl, Temt and Industrie, and low cost suppliers like Lowes and Best & Less got very low ranking while companies like Kmart, the Cotton On Group, H&M, Zara, Country Road and the Sussan Group received better ranks.