International Men’s Day (Nov 19), is to celebrate the contributions that men make to improve the quality of life in society??

Isn’t this a laughing matter for some women!!

According to the Wikipedia, the event is about, “highlighting discrimination against men and boys and to celebrate their achievements and contributions, in particular for their contributions to community, family, marriage, and child care.”

It is also focuses on improving so called gender relations, promoting gender equality, producing responsible males and highlighting positive male role models, addressing issues such as parenting, positive male role models, families and healthy life choices for men.


Men already dominate political and corporate hierachies, but feminism, currently healthier than ever, International Men’s Day, partly designed to end discrimination, is a bit of a joke, a campaign from people whose response to any statistic about women being physically abused or dominated or belitted.

Yet I’m all for International Men’s Day. As a supporter of the idea that men and women should be treated equally, why shouldn’t men have their own day to match the one set aside to promote women and their causes. But the question is does men actually face gender bias, after all it’s a Man’s World!! Well, for some who actually think, we bring you the video titled # ShowMenSomeLove, on so called discrimination.

We take a look on growing sexual abuse, violence against women, both in homes and on the streets, or how female foeticide is still a massive problem in India. The fact that India fares the worst in gender employment rates between men and women. Finally, is anybody bothered to address these issues on the forthcoming International Men’s Day than bringing out this video.

Inaugurated in 1999 in Trinidad and Tobago, the day and its events find support from a variety of individuals and groups in Australia, the Caribbean, North America, Asia, Europe and Africa. Speaking on behalf of UNESCO, Director of Women and Culture of Peace Ingeborg Breines said of IMD, “This is an excellent idea and would give some gender balance.” How??