Conjuring a feast for the senses, he presents a vision that moves from glimmering flesh tones to delicious peaches. Then, his blushing pinks move sinuously into fuchsia tones, ending their journey in seductive wine-tones.

An unparalleled blend of silks, jerseys, tulle, and embroideries vies for attention. His foil-prints, sheer chiffons create effects akin to cascading waterfalls of liquid metal, even as Lycra infused chameuse hugs the body. Velvets and silk lamés complete the dream. With a chiffon sari accompanied by a bustier constructed of Perspex elements, Raakesh mixes the delicate with the daring, breathing fresh life into an ancient craft. He also gives the sari stylish solution with ready-to-snap-on drapes that can be put on in the space of half a minute. Hand embroidered, almost sheeted fabrics are first constructed into Goddess drapes, and then embroidered over to perfection.

Raakesh Agarvwal adds another feather to his already bristling cap with his new line of haute accoutrements. Jewels by Raakesh Agarvwal, is a line of costume accessories that carries his love of glamour to another level. Raakesh uses crystals and acrylic to create statement pieces that are a combination of transparency and high shine. Oversized stones glimmer off their flat and moulded acrylic bases, with chains and beads adding their ubiquitous charm every now and then. There are cuffs, bracelets, belts and neckpieces: all of them multi-taskable – shape-changing wonders that make a stylist out of everyone. He treats his materials like precious metals and stones, ensuring that crystals – pavé-set, flushed onto Acrylic, as well as set in old-school pronged settings – not only replace regular diamonds, but surpass them in form and desirability.