In response to the San Francisco– Bangalore Sister City Initiative, the School of Fashion at Academy of Art University in San Francisco and the National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT) in Bangalore, India established an international student exchange program that will commence this fall.

The educational institutions have agreed to the international student exchange program for a minimum period of three years, sending two students from each school every fall and spring semester. Academy of Art University and NIFT expect that the successes of the exchange, coupled with the sustained interest of the students, are factors likely to influence the continuation and expansion of the exchange well beyond 2013. The student exchange is open to both undergraduate and graduate fashion students.

Top students from each school are encouraged to apply; students are selected through the process of interviews and portfolio reviews with academic and administrative leads before being confirmed for the exchange. The upcoming fall semester marks the commencement of the program.  Academy of  Art  University’s textile  ne-Lauren Hueso and Jennifer Isaza,  will study  at  NIFT’s Bangalore campus,  and NIFT’s textile design students, Soumya Nandivada and Sumit Gill, will study at the School of Fashion at Academy of Art University in San Fransisco.