Christian Louboutin The magnificent house of Christian Louboutin issues its latest edition of Louboutin Times uncovering the legend of ‘The Red Menace’ and the moments celebrating its two decades.

The storied red and black heels known over the world for sheer glamour have been allegorized by luminaries and glitterati in this one of the greatest heels parade. One of such testimonies comes from designer Diane Von Furstenberg saying, “I have so many souvenirs with Christian none of which you want to publish. I loved working with him at the beginning. He was showing on my dining room table.”

Romanticizing Louboutin Elisa Sednaoui, a sizzling style siren puts, “Wearing Christian’s shoes has the Cinderella effect: it creates instant magic. Every time you are a new character, a more powerful and yet ironic version of yourself. Every pair holds a little of his passion, humour and enthusiasm that we can carry in our adventures. Christian – thank you for making us become princesses.

Christian Louboutin