For last 24 hours, white of non-violence with a dash of red; those angry eyes and blood rushed faces have taken over the Indian streets. The rooftop screams are getting shriller and the protest more inclusive. In fact the noise of change is being created across the world with London in flares, Chile’s students’ protest and Egyptian rally for better society. The newspaper dailies are flooded with gory images under critiquing headlines urging for an intense unified stand.

Revolts, protests and rallies always have this fierce and bold temperament flavored by messianism and patriotism while serving as the potpourri of various backgrounds and lifestyles. The chaotic streets are a mélange of various idiosyncrasies and fashion sensibilities (though standing hand in hand for a common cause) with people in various attires ranging from traditional to contemporary ones. The Egyptian protests saw djellabas and head scraves, the robe of rural Egyptians, along with T-shirts and jeans. Similarly ongoing Anna’s anti-corruption movement is profuse with traditional white kurtas-pajamas, dhotis and saris to colorful shorts and skirts, homemade rucksacks to designer totes, corn rows to pixies, and turbans to hats. 

Somehow protests are not only rallied by provoking placards and candles. Chattels such as flying flags, ribbons, bandannas and face paints are abundant with people pouring their sentiments out. The skinheads flaunting slogans on their shaven heads, women with flags painted on their nails, ubiquitous body paints, especially merchandized t-shirts and national flags as set the mood of rebellion while coating a layer of red.