The Worlds’ Largest Lesson India” is a unique initiative which aims to teach every child in India – nearly 360 million – a lesson about the United Nations Global Goals for Sustainable Development.


Sonam Kapoor graced the launch of the event on the occasion of National Teacher’s Day at the GEMS Academy in Gurgaon with over 250 high profile figures confirmed to take action to support the World’s Largest Lesson India initiative by spreading awareness of the lesson plans through their distribution channels, networks, media reach, the children and teachers they support, and employees.


Powered by India partner GEMS Education, the world’s largest K-12 private education provider, and implemented in partnership with UNICEF and the Global Goals campaign, The World’s Largest Lesson India initiative will encourage schools across India to teach at least one lesson on the Global Goals, to make sure children are informed, educated and empowered by the commitments their country has made to ending poverty, inequality and climate change by 2030. Through partner support, schools can deliver one or a range of lessons, and can also develop plans with students to take action to help achieve the goals.