The Biennale College – Cinema, a program organized by Biennale di Venezia in association with Gucci announced the names of three projects proceeding to the second phase of the program. 

The 3 projects, chosen at the end of the first workshop among the 15 previously selected projects from all around the world, presented by a team of one director and one producer are Memphis (USA), The Year of June (Thailand) and Yuri Esposito (Italy).

The goal of the program is to present the 3 feature-length films, debut or second works, at the coming 70th Venice International Film Festival (28 August – 7 September 2013), directed by Alberto Barbera and organized by the Biennale chaired by Paolo Baratta.

The workshop of the Biennale College – Cinema for the 3 selected teams will be held from February 18th through March 6th 2013 in Venice, and will be an intensive workshop dedicated to direction and pre-production, which will explore the visual aspects of the 3 projects. 

Each team will work with a mentor-director and a certain number of trainers for each different area, to ensure that at the end of the workshop the teams are ready to start, to shoot and to edit the film over the next five months, under the supervision of a team from the Biennale College – Cinema.