Prolific accessories designer Rina Shah presents a collection at the forthcoming LFW that portrays her love for Polo. Rina started playing the equestrian sport a year ago and simply loves every moment on the ground, atop her horse. The collection titled Rinaldi Polo is as sporty chic & class, just like the game.

According to Rina "I love horses and always wanted to ride. Last polo season I had gone to watch a game with some friends and fell in love with the sport and since then have been pursuing it. This year has been one hell of a ride and i want my collection to reflect the fun & style around Polo". Rina who’s eaccessories have in the recent past been carried by Natalie Portman, Pamela Anderson and even Goldie Hawn and Naomi Campbell, travelled to Santa Barbara to learn and train for this ongoing Polo season.

Using her signature style of embellishments with crystals and coloured stones Rina has created a line with equestrian prints, polo prints on large bags with bamboo handles. The theme is brought to life with saddle bags with trimmings, reins handles on oversize bags, spur straps with crystals and feathers and even a sexy collection of belts with horses at buckles.