One –of- its-kind exhibitions, ‘Weavolution’ by Gaurav Jai Gupta of Studio Akaaro was recently organized at CMYK Book Store, New Delhi.

The first in the series it was more like an interactive session held in the calm of a book store focusing on the current state of hand woven textiles and crafts through presentations and seminars. While exploring the potential of handlooms, their past to fate, the event was a great learning experience for any fashion enthusiast about the different aspects of fashion from the eye of the intellectuals like Rita Kapoor Chishti, a renowned textile expert and historian. 

Amidst the informative shelves containing the books about fashion, Akaaro’s latest home line was also on display. Gaurav talked about the design interventions and technical developments which are helping to contemporize hand woven textiles in India, whilst integrating traditional skills to develop a dynamic language relevant in current times.

About this endeavour Gaurav says, “We preferred a book store over some café or restaurant, as it’s all about talk, minus glamour. It’s a different sort of setting in a book shop letting the attendees know about fashion in detail; like what it goes in the making of fabric and how ethical fashion is the need of the hour.”

Some of the renowned names of fashion like Joyjit Talukdar, Divyam Mehta and Pallavi Mohan were seen exchanging words with the guests.