Bhanuni by Jyoti Sharma presents all human wisdom is summed up in two words black and white for Wills Lifestyle India Fashion Week Spring Summer 2011. 

The two ends of a spectrum are black and white, contrary forces which are interconnected and interdependent in the natural world and they give rise to each other in turn like death and life. In today’s time life is hard, mordent, grim, full of death and misery. We are hurdled in a state of economic deterioration and a period of intellectual darkness and cruelty. All this sorrow and death leads us to the quietness left after death, white, pale, serenity. It is like a metaphor of light and dark. But despite all this sorrow we humans still believe in life and living through each battle. Blood rushes through our veins, red hot blood, red that signifies life, energy, courage and the will to survive as a human each day and hence in this battle of white and black the red energy of life wins. 

This  collection she has used the colors black, white and red and laid emphasis on textures like random lines, negative-positive impressions, rhythm and intricate cutwork. It is a western prêt collection in satin, silks, tabby silk and net.