Whether intimate wear is a recipe to success behind closed doors or worn to evoke the feel good factor, designer Suman Nathwani’s new collection ‘Ode to Beauty’ offers the most elegant and seductive pieces of innerwear and sleepwear.

Inspired from the beauty of a woman, Suman’s collection is focused on purity and simplicity. With ruching, knot details, frills, flowers and intricate lace work and sensual colors like russet reds, sun orange, deep blue and kohl black, this collection is bound to make you look like a stunner.

With women becoming bolder and ready to experiment with their feminity and sensuality, it has now become more of a style statement. Not only does it pamper your body to give you just the right look, the perfect innerwear also gives you the confidence to be the diva that you were always meant to be! With emphasis on summer satins, fluid flow georgettes, chiffons and chantelle laces, Suman Nathwani wants every woman’s irresistible dreams and fantasies to come true with her collection.

Suman as a designer has taken on an added responsibility of educating the masses about the benefits of wearing the correct innerwear and its physical, psychological and emotional impact. Suman Nathwani is no stranger to bedtime glamour. With her unique designing styles, Suman was the first designer ever to display her sleepwear collection at the Wills India Fashion Week 2006.