The future of fashion lies in the reconciliation between nature and industry; this is the philosophy which makes Netherland based label OAT produce shoes that bloom.

The label which was started in 2008 made a foray into the market with a unique idea – the innovation vouching for the shoes to grow into flowers if planted. The label offers sneakers in different styles and colors with a seed pocket stitched into the tongue of shoes. The shoes are constructed of biodegradable materials which are designed to break down in six months when dumped.

The shoes designed to have a second life in the form of vibrant mix of flowers like Black eyed Susans, Spurred Snapdragons, English Daisy, Catchfly, Corn Poppy and Sweet Alyssu. The label recently launched its Fall Winter 2012 line comprising of biodegradable sneakers made of leather in colors like camel, blue, white and black with softer lining, bouncier soles and sturdier heel support. 
The collection which can be availed online is not available in India as of now.