Come 2012 and London is all gearing up to give the world a good taste of the city. In one such move the authorities have undergone a special design project in collaboration with British Designer, Paul Smith.

As a fervent supporter of the Games, the designer has designed a prestigious collection of seven stamps to welcome the Games to the UK and ensure the memories of the event will remain long after the last medal has been awarded. The Isle of Man Stamp Collection of seven stamps featured athletes on the track, sailing boats, cycles and different sports concerned paraphernalia done in Paul Smith style.

Paul Smith Olympic Stamps

A lifelong follower of World Cycling, Paul Smith was honoured to be asked to participate in this project by the Isle of Man Post Office. The Isle of Man has strong cycling connections as it is the home of heroic Olympic Cyclist, and good friend of Paul Smith, Mark Cavendish.

Paul Smith Olympic Stamps