Reborn dollsReborn dolls, have you ever come across one?  These dolls which have proved in the past to assuage woe of many who have lost their children or haven’t been gifted with one, these days are even adapted by people just to amuse themselves. Karen a wife and a mother of the two who belongs from a middle class family have a huge collection of reborn dolls, treating the dolls just like another child of hers. 

Ruby, Dylan, Daniel, Ellie, Joshua, Annabelle, Daniella, Max, Charlie, Amber and Maddie are the names of her baby dolls. A beautiful wardrobe with all variety of vivid tiny outfits is created by Karen for the tinny dolls. While all the reborn babies illuminate a variety of expressions, some are viewed shedding tears while few just focusing a wake up look, some with wide open eyes and some absolutely recumbent. Karen’s nursery is shared by a colossal number of reborn babies. Unless and until you touch them or have a close peek on them, its impossible to make out that these dolls are not real living babies. The lady for the first time discovered her passion of collecting such dolls when she came across a similar reborn doll costing £120 on the internet while checking out dolls for her daughter Erin twelve years prior.

Reborn dolls

To give it a feel like the original babies electronic devices are implanted to create heart beats and to insist on the breathing procedure while voice boxes to create sound. Tears are teamed up with mohair lashes for their creation. The petite bubbles of saliva, made from paper glaze are implemented to moisturize lips of the adorable dolls. Everything is individually ingrained by Karen and Erin. These dolls even carry the similar essence like real babies because of the fragrances used on their garments. The aura of their fragrance is quite similar to the bouquet of the Johnson products. Though their collection is inclusively outstanding but the surreal dolls possessing all human characteristics portray a very daunting sketch. 

Reborn dolls

Karen loves them and wants to continue her endeavor of collecting such dolls although many find the phony tiny toddles to be bizarre. She has depleted around £5,000 on her reborn babies. Such dolls are hardly displayed by any departmental store or outlet; they are mostly available online or only during the reborn fairs. These dolls are mostly opted for not less than £7,000 each, bringing back great proceeds.