Lately, designer Ritu Kumar, India’s most recognized Fashion Designer, was honored with the Padma Shri Award, the country’s fourth highest civilian award.

The award was conferred upon her on the occasion of Republic Day by the President of India for her exceptional and distinguished service in the field of fashion, textile and craftsmanship.

On the honor bestowed on her, designer Ritu Kumar said, "I am deeply appreciative by the fact that the government has recognized my efforts in the field of fashion, textile and craftsmanship. India remains a country which has an indigenous and strong fashion handwriting not dictated by Paris or New York but is evolving with the designers of the country. I am grateful for the support I have received from the crafts people of this country.” 

“The recognition of this fact is extremely welcome as it underlines the nature of newer areas of culture and the aspirations of the younger population of India who are as design savvy as they are conversant with the computer. Awards of this nature point towards innovative way forward in this country”, she concluded.