“Fresh Intelligence” fashion film by Imagine Fashion, called “In this Mirror, I am Enclosed.” The creative duo behind it, Sam Fisher and Antony Price, explore themes of the body using abstract aesthetics and contrasting color in this experimental multimedia project.
In This Mirror her body extends into the screen as her thoughts come forward. Trapping the model between layers of abstract and colorful visuals, this experimental multimedia project explores the themes of the body, from its image to projection and finally its abstraction.
Anomalous Visuals was conceived as a vehicle to develop the contrasting audio visual skills and aesthetics of Sam Fisher and Antony Price, into an experimental hybrid multi-media image-making team. The duos have worked closely together since they met at London College of Fashion. For this piece the pair collaborates with Amaya Ducru Clouthier as Art Director to create this visually stunning film.
Posted by : Katherine Chan of Imagine Fashion at 12:35 AM