Gucci hosted an event in Dubai to celebrate the Dubai Mall Gucci store. The in-store cocktail event welcomed international and regional press, high-profile clients, VIPs, artists, creatives, influencers and other guests who enjoyed the DJ sets by the regional sensation DJ Karrouhat.
The event was followed by a private party in collaboration with Sole DXB – The region’s only streetwear, basketball, hip-hop, and art platform- where the American Rapper, Songwriter and Record Producer A$AP Rocky performed. A DJ line up including Diamond Setter and Stretch Armstrong entertained the guests as well. A$AP Rocky, as well as Trevor Stuurman, Jody Paulsen, Dear Ribani, Diamond Setter, Stretch Armstrong, and DJ Karrouhat were all dressed in Gucci.
Seen attending the event were Dev Hynes with other Artists including, Trevor Stuurman, Jody Paulsen, Louw Kotze, Dear Ribane, Dj Karrouhat (Basil Al Hadi), Nour Flayhan, Mohammad Al Hamdan, Hisham Al Fageeh, Mohammad Kindy, Cheb Moha, Prod Antzoulis, Sole DXB Founders (Rajat Malhotra, JoshOA Cox, Hussain Moloobhoy, Nick Baker), Wathek Allal, Parvanne Barret, Mashael Al Saei, Kevork Keshishian (DJ Diamond Setter), Tarsila Schubert, Arwa Al Banawi, and more.