He is the one representing India as the winner for the IT’S MY TIME Global Casting by Benetton. While in college, some friends and cousins suggested modeling for him. But his college was in Kolhapur (Sumit has done Bachelors in Ayurved, Medicine & Surgery) and he knew that he needed to be in Mumbai for that. So he opted for an internship from Mumbai. During those days, a guy from FTV gave him his card at a party. Sumit called him up after he completed his internship, was given a few contact numbers, got his folio shot and he was on!!! Fashionfad.in catches him for an exclusive interview to share his experiences from New York where he is busy shooting for the United Colors of Benetton.

Family and Academics…
I did my schooling in Kashmir & actually, I was an above average student. However, just the thought of Mathematics was enough to scare the pants off me. I was really bad at the subject  :).

On the other side, I would devote most of my time to sports & yeah, bunked my school a number of times to watch the morning movie shows. I had a group of friends who would make it a point to watch the new releases, first day first show!!! And when I was in my primary school, I went to play a cricket match after school without telling my Mom & that evening, I got a nice long hearing from her. The next day, we were made to stand before the morning assembly. So I did have a lot of adventures throughout my school days ;)

Overall, my family was supportive of everything that I would do as long as I managed to get good grades.

Fashion to you…
Fashion, to me is a way. A way in which everyone carries themselves off, with or without clothes. I think Clothes are over rated in relation to fashion. I mean, they are important but someone could be really fashionable with just a glint in their eye or for that matter, without it!!

Changes in Indian Fashion Scene…
Well, the fashion industry may have gone through a sea change very quickly but fashion per se, is still pretty orthodox in India. Just to give one example, people(guys) were wary of sporting Pink till a few years ago & still, most of them wouldn’t want to wear a Purple or certain other colors for fear of being called ‘girlie’. I fail to understand people who judge others by the color they are wearing!! The general idea here is, colors are meant for girls. So girls can have all possible colors in bottoms, but guys have to stick to the conventional Black, Blue Or maybe Brown. Similarly, they have a static opinion on what the cut or length or width should be. Oh come on!! Who gets to decide what is “good”  or “bad”, what is “chic” or “shoddy”?!!! If people get rid of this mental block, the fashion scene will actually get transformed.

Your reaction on getting selected…
I remember it was around 5 in the morning & I was chatting with two friends who I’d met with during the contest. As soon as I was given the news by one of them, I was totally  ecstatic!!!  I was really, really, super, duper happy at that moment!!! First I called up  a few friends  & my sister, & after speaking to them, I played the song ‘New York’ by U2 & started singing along.  Damn!! Did that feel good or what!!! :))

Your experience at the Benetton photoshoot…
It was the best shoot I’ve ever been at!! Shooting for Benetton, with an ace photographer, that too in New York with an awesome bunch of co-winners—it was just perfect!!!

First day at the shoot, it was solo shots. So while a few people were being shot & getting ready, the others would get interviewed by the media from across the world, or get pictures clicked with them.  And through all this, we would keep ourselves entertained by having loads of backstage fun. Impromptu dances, mock catwalks, singing songs together at the top of our voice, interviewing each other with our Flipcams(Every winner was Fed-Exed a Flipcam to capture moments in their country & while in NY), or just pulling someone’s leg. The studio where we shot(Industria Superstudio) was really huge. So we had these different zones  across it with different activities going on, and we were welcome to join in anywhere. At the end of it all, it felt like we had known each other for years, coz we had such unabashed fun!!!

I had checked out Josh Olins’ profile online while I was still in India & was  so much in awe of him, I was just counting the days till I finally met him. Incidentally, I was the first  winner to meet him, that too just randomly on a Manhattan street.

And the actual shoot, it was an absolute pleasure working with Josh Olins. He’s the most chilled out photographer I’ve ever met. He was singing along & dancing to the music being played, while he was clicking pictures!! And needless to say, the pictures that came out were simply mindblowing!!!

Views on the modeling industry…
Modeling industry abroad works in a more systematic way. There are no confusions regarding the casting, payments, schedules & other such matters. Sadly enough, inspite of the progress that Indian modeling scene has undergone, there’re still lots of issues that need to be addressed.

Sumit Patwari as a person…
The one thing that comprises the most essential part of me is music. Its there in my head all the time, even while I’m talking or doing something else. At times, my hands or feet keep playing these random rhythms, to some known or unknown tune which is playing in my head. Its just impossible for me to get it out of my system, & I don’t even want to. I think I’m blessed to be built that way, coz that makes me happy. :)

I like all kinds of music, except Rap & Death Metal. Some of my favorites are Jeff Buckley, Foo Fighters, A R Rahman, Nirvana, Junoon, Radiohead, Led Zeppelin.

Favourite Indian designers…
Arjun Khanna & Narendra Ahmad, coz their stuff is sleek, stylish & something I would love to wear.
Views on the future of fashion in India…

The future of fashion in India seems to be in safe hands, with a good mix of experienced, as well as young designers. Besides, the fashion weeks are bringing in a lot of international buyers & it can only get better from here.

Your future plans and goals…
I don’t have any plans as such for the future coz I believe that ‘Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans.’ I live life in phases and different things could dominate such different phases: There was a time when I was playing in a band, working in a hospital, acting in a play—and it was never planned!! So the idea is to enjoy the journey instead of looking for a comfortable destination.

Idea of an ideal date…
Hmmmmm….For me, it’s more about the ‘person’ than the ‘date’. If I really like the girl I’m with, then the place, conditions, food etc. is mere icing for the cake ;)

Essentials for a model to climb the ladder of success…

  • Confidence
  • Fun
  • Individuality
  • Adventure
  • A sense of abandon.

Most touching moment of your life…

I was playing at a friend’s place & his mom suddenly asked me my Dad’s phone number. I asked her why & she said, “So that I can adopt you & have you play your music for me everyday.” I was really touched!!

Any social cause or social issue that has stirred…
Lack of medical care for the poor. For the last 6 months, I’ve been working for Wockhardt Foundation. I travel with a Van every morning, go to different slums on designated days & treat the patients there on an OPD basis for free.


FAVORITE FOOD: Mughlai. I like spicy food & lots of sweets too :)




FAVOURITE MUSIC: Alternative rock, Grunge, anything with a melody!!

GREATEST FEAR: That I’ll lose my hearing power!!