This is one self confident guy, essentially Punjabi by nature. Family and food are the two things that bind him to life and love. He has spent almost his entire life out of his home town Ludhiana studying in boarding schools and later college but for him family comes first.

Different from a lot of the herd coming to the industry in quest of instant fame and success; this is one guy who wants to go step by step and not just hurry up to success. He wants to be a self made person not propelled by influence of a rich father or uncle. An athlete by nature, he finds great comfort in challenging himself to sports.

He has been part of this industry for over a year and has been spotted in shoots for Hero Honda, Monte Carlo, magazines like Men’s Health and M and also on the ramp for Rohit Bahl and Varun Bahl. An interesting mix of the modern and the traditional this is Sayush Nayyar, the Punjabi guy.

Family and Academics…
I come from the land of Punjab, Ludhiana where my family still resides. My schooling has been from a boarding school in Simla and after which I went to Pune to study B.Com from Symbiosis. Currently have taken out a dedicated year to follow modeling as a full time career and shifted to New Delhi for the same. I also plan to follow an MBA through correspondence while I pursue modeling.

Parent’s reaction to your choice of modeling as a career…
Well, I essentially come from a business background. My father doesn’t really agree to modeling and tries every now and then to call me back to join the family business. However, my mom is a constant pillar of support for me. I also have a younger brother who cheers me on.

First modeling assignment…
My first assignment was with Mirari jewellery for their print advertisement. This was two years back.

Greatest achievement till date…
Couple of years more and I will be able to answer this question. Professionally I still have to do and achieve a lot before I can call something my greatest achievement.

Idea of an ideal date 
Well my ideal date would be something set under the stars somewhere in the late evening. There will be a pathway in a swimming pool where I’ll be sitting with my partner having a conversation that is accompanied with some fine wine or champagne with a different cuisine may be Mexican.

When not modeling what are you most likely to be found doing…
Well, I live with friends here in Delhi. I work out most of the time or indulge in some sort of sports. It can be cricket or soccer or anything else that keeps me on my feet.
Another thing that I have to do every day is to go out and have a cup a coffee somewhere. I just can’t stay at home the whole day; I have to go out at least once.

Most touching moment of your life…
The most touching moment of my life was when I got my first pay check and I gave it to my grandmother. The look on her face said it all, that was indeed the most touching moment of my life.

  • Essentials for a model to climb the ladder of success…
  • Confident
  • Right attitude
  • Networking
  • Lean body
  • Belief in oneself

Views on Indian vs. Western models…
It is great to see international models working here in India. It gives us a lot of confidence as well as helps up realize and find our place in the world. This also gives us a reality check to evaluate our place in the industry.

One thing I must say is that with the fusion of the international models coming to India, our industry has also seen a rapidly changing scenario where models are going for a leaner body than a muscular look.

Quick snippets   

FAVORITE FOOD: Punjabi food; makke ki roti and sarso ka sag


: CK

FAVORITE DESIGNER: Rohit Bahl , Varun Bahl


FAVOURITE MUSIC: Bollywood music from the 70s

GREATEST FEAR: Losing a loved one

YOUR PIECE OF ADVICE FOR UPCOMING MODELS: Be very determined about your goals and figure out the positives and negatives that propel you.