She is the one with the strong resolve. Hailing from London she says she loves doing household chores. Shuttling between UK and India, she has been in this industry for just over a year. Living in Delhi, she is the official model for the Wills Fashion Week; she has walked the ramp for almost every Indian designer you can think of.  She is most happy spending time with those who are closest to her; her family and friends. However, she is a passionate traveler and loves getting out and about, travelling and meeting new people.

The most alluring part of this industry to her is that every day she wakes up it is a new day and there is something new to do. She enjoys the nature of the work. Modeling is a great way to meet new people and interesting people. We caught her between and editorial shoot and the Kolkata Fashion Week and got her talking about her life and her work. Meet the London cum Delhi girl, Rebbeca Tyagi.

Family and Academics…
I come from a very close family who are mostly in London. Dad has been travelling with work for years which has meant a lot of travel for me growing up, and he is currently working in Kenya. My schooling has been in the UK, then South Africa and then back to boarding school in the UK. I did my university studies in Bristol. 
Parent’s reaction to your choice of modeling as a career…
My parents are happy with my modeling. I am fortunate to have such a loving family who, as long as I am happy and healthy, are happy too.
First modeling assignment…
My first assignment was a preview for Sabyasachi Mukherjee in a store in Delhi.

Greatest achievement till date…
I would say that moving here and setting up on my own has been quite a substantial achievement in my life so far. 
Idea of an ideal date
Honestly I wouldn’t say I have a dream ideal date scenario. A connection with the person I am with is more important to me than what the surroundings have to offer.

When not modeling what are you most likely to be found doing…
If I’m not working I’m most likely to be with friends or out and about shopping. As I grew up travelling a lot, it has developed into a passion. If I have enough time I’d probably try and make a travel plan.

Five essentials for a model to climb the ladder of success…
Not in any order, I’d say they have to keep a clear head and stay focused. They should remain real and not let success change them. They should look after themselves and live a healthy life style. Don’t take things personally in this industry. 
Views on Indian vs. Western models…
I’m no one to categorize so easily. One thing about modeling in India is that the modeling life here is longer, which is great. Overseas ages becomes too black and white, whereas here, girls that have been modeling for years are still doing so and still look amazing in their work.   
The most touching moment of your life…
Most touching moment was when my little sister was born just over a year ago. Truly Amazing!!!

Quick snippets  


FAVORITE PERFUME:   Love Gucci and Hugo Boss

FAVORITE DESIGNER:  Hmmm depends what for-but love Fendi handbags!

FAVORITE HOLIDAY DESTINATION: I’d love to go to South America, Egypt, Marrakech.

FAVOURITE MUSIC: RnB and Bhangra-It’s all about dancing


YOUR PIECE OF ADVICE FOR UPCOMING MODELS: As I said earlier, don’t take things personally in this industry. It is important to realize that some jobs you will get, and some you won’t. Everyone has their own look and although that look might not suit one job, it might be perfect for the next.

Be strong not only in terms of accepting not getting selected, but in terms of what might be said to you. In any career, anywhere in the world, one always needs positive and negative feedback. It may seem hard in this industry because the comments are so much more personal, be it to do with your walk, your weight, your attitude, but these are the essentials of this work. Negative feedback is in fact a positive thing and it is important to remember that!