Let us introduce you to a fresh face in the industry, who walked into the fashion scene an year and a half ago. She defines herself as a simple Delhi girl. Not much of a romantic. She believes in living life everyday to the fullest and giving her best shot at everything that comes her way. Her philosophy in life is that everything happens for a good reason. A sport at taking rejection she thinks that behind everything in life there is a positive intention.

She has shot for Abrahim and Thakore, AMPM, Blenders Pride and Déjà Vu. She has been part of a lot ad campaigns like Dabur Gulabari and also for Videocon with Shahrukh and Dhoni. She is a dog person with a pug of her own. She is the new and exciting and currently single model, Prerna Sharma.

Family and Academics…
I was born in UP though I was brought up here in Delhi and did my schooling from St. George and my grads from Kamla Nehru College, Delhi University itself.

Parent’s reaction to your choice of modeling as a career…
My parents have been very supportive from the very beginning of my career. I went through the right channels for achieving my goals. My parents trusted Elite and so they were pretty reassured and happy for my choice of career.

First modeling assignment…
My first modeling assignment after I had signed up with Elite was a TGIF show.

Greatest achievement till date…
I would say that my greatest achievement was when I won this contest for Elite Model Look in 2008. I went on to represent India after that in China too, that was one of my most invigorating and exciting experience ever. I got to interact with other models that were representing different countries. In all it was one of my greatest achievements ever being a part of it all.

Idea of an ideal date 
I am not exactly a very romantic person, so none of that candlelight dinners for me. Rather I would like to chill with my partner at home, may be watch a movie and have some good food. Something more homely and chilled out.

When not modeling what are you most likely to be found doing…
Well , I’m a trained Kathak dancer and have been learning it for over ten years now. I have also a learned a bit of belly dancing and jazz for a while. So my favorite past time is dancing definitely.

Five essentials for a model to climb the ladder of success…
• Fit body
• Different looking personality
• Good attitude
• Camera friendly
• Professional

Views on Indian vs. Western models…
I think Indian models are a little different looking. They tend to more voluptuous. Western models usually all look the same on the ramp. They have a similar built and tend to be leaner. Apart from that both Indian and western models are professional when it comes to work.

The most touching moment of your life…
I suppose the most touching moment of my life was when my younger brother was born. I was a small kid barely five at that time and all my friends had siblings and I also wanted one of my own. So when my younger brother was born that was indeed one of my happiest and most touching moments in my life.

Quick snippets  

FAVORITE FOOD: Tandoori Chicken


FAVORITE DESIGNER:  Abrahim and Thakore, Manish Arora, Rajesh Pratap


FAVOURITE MUSIC:  Anything that I can dance on

YOUR GREATEST FEAR: Probably dying is my greatest fear

YOUR PIECE OF ADVICE FOR UPCOMING MODELS: I just have to say that it is a myth the industry is not a good place. All you need to do is knock the right doors and then there is nothing to stop you.