Tupur Chatterjee knows how to cast spell with her stunning face and undulating body. She is one of the most coveted face of Indian fashion. Tupur along with her 12 minutes younger identical twin Tapur are the granddaughters of veteran filmmaker Hrishikesh Mukherjee. Her name mostly leave people with an exclamatory look wondering its eponym, accustomed of  those wondered blank visages she satisfies them with a grin expounding that her name has been derived from a line by Rabindranath Tagore “Brishti Porey Tapur-Tupur” which means “pitter-patter rain falls”.

 Being exposed to glamour and lights from very early age modeling came to her very easily. Modelling offers started chasing her when she was still pursuing her genetics from St. Xavier’s , Mumbai. However, it was a Navy Queen Competition, where she got the recognition. After that she never looked back and kept on dazzling the ramp with her panache and elegance. Besides, she shot commercials for Titan, Pond’s, Thums Up and Airtel..

Having been in one of the most glamorous industry how do you see fashion as an insider’s point of view?
Fashion is a business, infact a very popular business. It’s a bread and butter for umpteen people employed here. It’s a need and people cant live with out.

Fashion in India has undergone dramatic changes in a very short span of time and has grown manifolds time as well, so how would you word the changes in the fashion scene?
I have not been with it from its very nascent phase. But what I have mustered about it in all these years is that this industry is very receptive and from time it has become more open to people. New people pour in and join this industry everyday. And one change that I want to accentuate is professionalism. People are getting more professional and in lieu it’s grooming and feeding them better.

Besides, internationally it’s rattling its steps in right direction and getting gradual acclaim around the globe.

Tell us also the story backstage about your interactions with the choreographers, model co-ordinaters who put together such a picture perfect show?
Everybody is very professional and they don’t interact much. When not working, everyone is busy chatting and reading books. Even I do the same.

What about the modeling industry globally and in India at present and what it has grown from?
Indian fashion industry is an easily recognizable name around the world. Indian designers can create both Western and Traditional with its differently identifiable embroidery and handicrafts and its quite popular globally.

How do you see the future of fashion in India?
Fashion is growing in India with a fast pace. People across diagonals are dependent on it. But what I personally feel is that fashion is something which depends on personal mood. You like to wear something sober in the morning, retro in afternoon and flashy in evening Trends change and it keeps on changing.

What is your opinion on increasing number of fashion weeks in India?
Though it’s a big event but there shouldn’t be so many fashion weeks scattered around the country.

Your comments on sudden cancellation of Kolkata Fashion and Lifestyle week?
It was a badly organized unfortunate event. It looks easy to maintain the class but it is not.

Tell us something about you school and early life?
I have done my half of the schooling from Kolkata and half from Mumbai. I have grown in the two contrasting environments of these cities and have recognizable sweet memories reminiscing me of my childhood. Besides I have done my graduation in Genetics from St. Xavier’s Mumbai.

How and why did you pick up modeling as a career?
I had started modeling right in my college while pursuing my graduation. I didn’t have any plans and it came very easily to me. I was a lucky one as i came into this profession by chance and I had not to struggle much. Every one was very sweet to me.

How do you plan your future what next goals have you set for yourself?
Although I do have umpteen ideas but I don’t stick to plans and all.

Any social cause or issue that has stirred you and you are working for?
I love animals and do support animal welfare.

Quick Snippets;

Favourite food:  I am very foody and can gorge on anything except red meat.

Favourite perfume:  Chanel 5

Favourite holiday destination:  Every place is beautiful. I love to traverse around Europe. Besides, India is stunningly and intriguingly beautiful. Many places are worth visiting. It fills you with immense pleasure and a craving to visit them again….!

Favourite Indian Designers: Actually I love a lot of Indian designer. I like classic and beautiful outfits.

Favourite International Designers: I don’t really love anyone specific. Everyone has its own genre. I like classic outfits, below knee length, 60’s style, not too short clothes.