A rock punk gal who totally transformed herself into a glamorous model, Iryna  hails from Ukraine and has been strutting the ramps for last four years. A computer programmer by profession, Iren enjoys her work as a model and wants to make it big in the industry.

We caught up with pretty Iryna K backstage during WIFW A/W 2011 and here is she in her all flesh, blood and soul, exclusively for fashionfad.in…

Tell us something about your academics & early years?
I grew up in Ukraine. I am an economics graduate & masters in Computer Programming
And right now I am working as a freelance programmer.

How you bumped into modeling?
My friend asked me to accompany her at a fashion event and there luckily I met few wonderful people and rest is all a beautiful history.

How supportive are your parents on choosing modeling as a profession?
They have always been proud of me and my success in this field. They are really very supportive and feel so happy for me.

What did you aspire as a kid?
Hmm….I really wanted to be an Astronaut.

You’re first modeling assignment?
My first ramp walk was for a Korean designer in Seoul.

Which all assignments you have been part of?
I have done many ramp shows for designers across the world. Plus, I have campaigned for some brands also. And the list is very long to be narrated here…..:)

You’re Fitness Regime?
I have always been a sporty girl and really enjoy swimming.

What do you think of Bollywood as a career option?
Hmm….It’s great. I would love to be a part of it.

How would you define fashion?
Well, I think this question should be asked to designers. We are only models portraying their ensembles. I personally feel that fashion is a creativity of a person which is appreciated by others.

What all do you enjoy apart from modeling?
Reading is the thing which keeps you all engaged. In all my free time I just grab a novel or biography and get zeroed in…

Tell me the story of backstage about your interactions with models, choreographers who all put together such a great show?
It’s really an amazing feeling! We all know each other very well. There is a friendly atmosphere making us sustain the contorting work pressure.


CUISINE YOU LOVE TO GORGE ON :  Russian soup & paneer.

FAVORITE CHOCOLATE :  Any chocolate.

FAVORITE HOLIDAY DESTINATION : Mountains. I love to be there always.


A PEEP INTO YOUR HANDBAG :  Lip Balm, headphones, water spray, powder and a good novel

FAVORITE MUSIC : Hard rock & Hip hop.

GUILTY PLEASURE : Black dark Chocolate.

BEAUTY REGIME : Eat well & stay happy.

STYLE MANTRA : Feel confident & be classy.