Dusky and dainty, Garima Parnami from Delhi started her journey from FTV model awards in Greece some 5 years back. Her sensuality and charm didn’t go unnoticed and she prowled into the main league with in a blink of eye. Miss India 2006 finalist, Garima has adorned the covers of Vogue and Marie Claire with her helluva hot Helen-esque looks. Having done innumerable fashion features across the world this girl can be spotted scorching the ramps in New York these days.

So here we caught up with her unveiling the mystery surrounding this inadvertently enigmatic (her visage always drops a question mark – what’s so different in her?) chic.     

Tell us something about your academics and early life?
I was a very shy person. I love outdoor games like basket ball etc. I did my school and college from Delhi.

The dizzying heights you touched make you stand apart from the rest. Tell us something about your journey from being simple Delhi lass to an International ramp scorcher. How modeling happened to you?
It happened because some people believed in me. When I was 21 years old I thought I would give modeling a try. I went for an audition and got selected as a model for Shoot Talent Management. I was excited and surprised. Then they helped me to groom, develop myself etc. So I can say that Shoot Model Management discovered me. Since then I have been in love with this profession.

How do you plan your future what next goals have you set for yourself?
I want to do so much. I would say I am just getting started. I feel I am on the right path. Being an international face was my aim and my work is in progress.

Any social cause or issue that has stirred you and you are working for?
Nature has always been close to me. So what ever I can do to preserve it, I am doing in my own ways.

How do you see the future of fashion in India?
I see progress and thrive to achieve the heights. It won’t be long when our industry will be as good as the major fashion industries in the world.

Having been in one of the most glamorous industry how do you see fashion as from an insider’s point of view?
I used to think like every one else. I thought it was easy. No hard work! Just walking and posing. I am happy to say that I was absolutely wrong. It’s like a proper job. You get paid for the efforts you put in.

Fashion in India has undergone dramatic changes in a very short span of time and has grown manifolds as well and you have been associated with it so how would you word the changes in the fashion scene?
Although the industry has grown in last few years but there is still a scope of improvement. After exploring the New York fashion industry I have realized that we are missing diversity. No matter how much we have grown but there is still lack of acceptance and we are still stuck to the stereotype.

What about the modeling industry globally and in India at present and what it has grown from?
Since the last decade our industry is at its peak right now but there is still room for improvement.
How is Garima Parnami as a person, what books do you like, what sort of music do you enjoy and all that comprises the most essential part of you  other than modeling?

I am humble and emotional person. I love almost all genres of music. My interest is also influenced by the people I spend time with. What I like right now is hard to define. Music is a part of me and it defines me too. Just like music my choice for books is also diverse. I like reading anything. I usually enjoy recommendations from my friends.

Tell us also the story backstage about your interactions with the choreographers, model co-ordinaters who put together such a picture perfect show?
I am a very easy going person but professional when it concerns my work. I just go there and do what I get paid to do. I try to keep the environment light and healthy.

What is the secret of your beautiful skin and perfect body?
Genetics! …  .inherited from my beautiful mother.

What is your greatest achievement till date?
My family and friends. 
Quick snippets :

Favorite Indian an International Designers and why?: Every one and none.

Favourite food. : Gol Gappas.

Favourite holiday destination : Outer Space(I love astronomy).

Favourite perfume : Still haven’t found.

Favourite lingerie brand : Victoria Secret.

Your greatest fear : Losing the people I love.

What do you love and hate most?: Boys

What are you addicted to (if any)? : No Comments.