At an exclusive event held at Visionnaire Design Gallery, Milan, Calendar star and international supermodel Milla Jovovich toasted the 2012 Calendar with its photographer Dimitri Daniloff and the CEO of Gruppo Campari, Bob Kunze-Concewitz.

Entitled It’s the end of the world, baby!, this year’s Campari Calendar takes its inspiration from the buzz around the prediction that,  according to the ancient Mayan culture, the world as we know will end on 21st December 2012 and enter a transformative period. 

Campari takes a positive look at intriguing theories, and presents them visually in a series of powerful, awe inspiring photos starring Hollywood actress and supermodel, Milla Jovovich, with the implementation of contemporary cinematography, fabled and biblical origins. It tries to bring a beam of hope in the life of people and asks everyone to create moments of merriment and joy by raising a toast together.