Untitled-1Renowned aesthetic physician, Dr. Jamuna Pai shares essential Under Eye Care tips in her guide, ‘No One Has To Know.’ Dr.Pai explains what dark circles are and how one’s lifestyle plays havoc with their under eye skin. She explains how the same can be prevented and treated. We bring you excerpts:

Dark circles-

Dark under-eye circles are due to the oxidizing of haemoglobin which begins in the capillaries, around the delicate skin around the eyes. It is quite possible that capillaries all over one’s body are leaking small amounts of blood all the time. But the reason dark under-eye circles are so apparent is that the skin around the eyes is some of the thinnest, most delicate skin of the body. The capillaries are much closer to the surface of the skin there. 

How dark circles can be prevented-

It always helps to treat the reason which causes the problem. Correction of one’s lifestyle patterns, if that is the reason, holds prime importance. Many a times it is because of lifestyle abuse-like late-nights, erratic working hours, using computer for long hours, disturbed sleep patterns and most importantly stress. Lack of sleep contributes to stress hormones like cortisol being increased, a known cause of health problems and swelling under the eyes causing dark circles. Consciously making attempts to reduce stress or the contributory components also contributes to better sleep. Thus, relaxation should be increased not only for its own sake, but as a direct attempt to reduce stress so that more restful sleep follows and thereby results in lessening of the dark circles.1

Besides that, one can use ointments rich in Kojic acid, lactic acid, arbutin at night and layer it with a good amount of moisturizer. The use of sunscreen regularly and intake of supplements of Vitamin C and antioxidants are a must.

Recommended Treatments –

There are various AHA peels which are effective in rejuvenating skin around the eyes by exfoliating damaged upper layers of skin to reveal new, healthier skin and lessening the dark circles. Laser resurfacing and intense pulse light treatments are other good options as they can reduce or eliminate the appearance of prominent veins and capillaries. These treatments have to be repeated every 4- 6 weeks to maintain the results.

Recommended Products-

A number of creams are available in the market which can lighten the dark circles.  They include lightening agent like Vitamin C, kojic acid, arbutin, azelic acid.  Treat the skin while sleeping by applications of these agents over night . Amongst the homemade treatments one should try natural eye refreshers like a chilled slice of cucumber kept for around 10 to 15 minutes or a raw potato slice cooled in a refrigerator for 10 to 15 minutes does help when done on regular basis. Dip cotton balls in rose water and place it on your eyes for 10-15 minutes every day.

Moisturising the under eye area is the most important thing for eye care. Likewise, using lubricated non medicated eye drops ensure that the eyes are always fresh and do not feel tired.