The house of Lancôme announced Academy award winning actress LupitaNyong’o as its new brand ambassadress, joining Julia Roberts, Kate Winslet, Penélope Cruz and the recently appointed young actress Lily Collins. She will be seen from this summer in campaigns shot by star photographers Mert Alas and Marcus Piggott.

“Both talented and committed, true to her African beauty, and showing a great curiosity and open-mindedness in her career choices, Lupita is strikingly beautiful and intelligent woman, serenely but strongly living her life her own way, Lupita has this special kind of aura both enlightening and deep, states Françoise Lehmann, General Manager of Lancôme International.

With her instinctive and sophisticated talent and one of a kind beauty, delicate and strength-exuding, 31-year-old LupitaNyong’o has taken the world by storm. A recent graduate from the Yale School of Drama,  she has an eclectic artistic repertoire, having performed on stage as well as having directed the award-winning feature-length documentary, In My Genes, about the reality of living with albinism in Kenya.