9 Genius Hairstyles You Can Do With Hair Straightener

Hair Straighteners are an adaptive hot tool that every woman should have. In fact, you may not feel like repairing your lock at any cost.

However, straighteners don’t just fix the mane. You can use it to create different styles to enhance your hair game.

Today, I would like to introduce some simple haircuts that can be done with a straightener. Remember! Continue to use strength protectants before using hot equipment to reduce the risk of strength damage.

It is now known as a “styler” because of its motivation to do more than straighten hair. At the Festival of Decent Multipurpose Devices, I thought I would showcase the # 1 style achieved with our favorite ghd styler. It works with a plate that is well protected for all hair types, so it won’t get overheated.

1.Barrel Curl

Add volume to your hair with this style. This is the right way to go.

Step 1: Divide the hair into 3 or 4 sections, depending on the slope.

Step 2: Select a segment and smooth the flat iron to about 2 crawls to the ends of the hair. Twist the leveling iron away from your face and rotate the edges.

Step 3: Repeat the above process for different hair parts. Finish with full splits to add sparkle, texture and volume.

2.Plain Straightening

Start with the primary segment behind and perform the ear-to-ear split, then go through an even level of area until the split. Look for it by spattering it into a heat shield spatter, avoiding taking segments larger than the slab. Make a lazy stroke from root to tip at a constant speed along the brush while using ghd overshadow. Fold the clasp a little to make it smooth.

3.Beach Waves

This style is common in late spring and saves time and effort. Here’s how to achieve this look with a straightener:Step 1: Divide the hair into 3-5 sections, depending on the slope and thickness of the hair.

Step 2: Grab the middle part of the hair and sweep it down to pull the curl away from your face. Move to the next piece and repeat until you cover all the hair.

Step 3: Pass your hand through the hair to separate the twist and apply the finishing splits. That’s all. Very simple and easy to understand.

4.Classic Wave

Removes large vertical areas and works from the face. Start near the route, point the styler with the base section up, and rotate it 360 degrees down. For the upper segments, start at the cheekbone level, but don’t spoil the waves. Rather, split the styling brush or low brush with a glitter shower and brush and entangle the waves.

5.Feathered Van

Van Want to change the game? Second, this style is for you. You can get it at only one level. Clip the bangs between the straighteners and bend them away from your face. Do this until it covers the entire area of ​​the head. Apply a finishing splash for volume, surface and shine.

6.Pleated Wave

Weave irregular hair pieces from the crown to the root, leaving 12 inches of root resistance. Sprinkle a light mist of hairspray on it and let it dry. Grip the blade firmly to smooth it, raise it up a few times and let it cool at this point. Unwrap each blade and thread it with your finger.

7.Glass Hair

This style has been around for quite some time. Ask your hairdresser to give you the ideal hairstyle before you can do this style.

Phase 1: Divide the mane into 4 segmentsThen, at this point, select the parts that work with 2 inches of hair at a time.

Stage 2: Gently iron a flat iron over the 2 inch long hair you are chipping, then use a light toothbrush to get through.

Stage 3: Continue the above steps until you have covered the entire area of ​​hair. Apply serum to give it a radiant and pleasant flyover.

8. 20s False Bounce

Start with straight hair and proceed to the finer flat areas. Start near the root, grab the hair and straighten it into an S-shape with a short stroke through the styler. Add a twist to finish the closure and create gorgeous finger waves. Use a body low brush to brush your hair slightly back and fix the wind up and down to create a fake bounce.

Last but not least

9. Party Ponytail

You can do this style in these ways.

Level 1: Brush all hair down to the top of the head. Then use a versatile headband to secure it to the blade at that point.

Stage 2: Pull 1 inch of hair from the tail of the pig. Then slide the flat iron over your hair and keep your wrists away from your head.

Stage 3: Continue the above process in different areas until you have covered all of your hair. Swipe your finger through and start the hair shower to add surface and volume.

If you can get multiple hairstyles with one straightener, what more do you want from a small straightener? Use it for curls, waves, or straighten it to make your hair look perfect every time!