Cosmic Heart Gallery, a new art gallery with a difference located at New Marine Lines, Mumbai, is  one of a kind venture by Jalpa Vithalani, a practitioner of reconnective healing, who view art for inspiration, happiness & harmony.
At Cosmic Heart Gallery she offers an exquisite collection of art which will touch your soul. “Each piece of inspirational art is charged with the ‘Reconnective Healing frequencies’ which opens us to higher levels of energy, light & information; the gift lies in generating that frequency in your sacred space and translating the beauty of the work in a metaphysical way into your psyche.

You will be uplifted in the presence of our collection of paintings as you soak in their energy, colour and flow. We are all creations – and expressions – of the Universe.The gift of each painting from Cosmic Heart is the path it offers, which is the journey within. Find the truth of it in yourself. And carry the limitless presence of the Reconnective frequencies into your sacred space.