“I have a fixation with Rajasthan”, confesses Pranav in his baritone with a visceral smile, prising his maxillae to burst out. Born and brought up in Rajasthan Pranav has an inherent love affair (all platonic) with everything, be it the spicily scathing (though moreish) delicacies, opulent palaces or the turban claded – moustache boasting – camel riding fraternity. He loves this land of colors in its true essence.

Being busy with his love Pranav manages to run a company named ‘Green Fuel’, which converts the industrial fuel into green fuel. Besides, somehow he again manages to strut the ramps with an  elegance unparalleled and hang out with friends with pep and pizzazz invincible.

When talking about his secret wish he pours out candidly that he wishes to go back three years down the lane, quicken up the things, cobble the mistakes and clock up the love he missed.
So we caught up with this Green (not with envy) model-cum-entrepreneur and made him to speak about his favors and penchants.

Tell us briefly about your family and schooling?
I have done most of my schooling from Mayo College, Ajmer and partly from APJ, Delhi. Shifting to Delhi was a sort of cultural change for me but this city has taught me some precious lessons of my  life. Besides, I have done my graduation in commerce from Dyal Singh College in Delhi.

What is your parent’s viewpoint on you choosing modeling as a career?
My parents have always been very supportive and encouraging of me. Unlike other parents they had no haunts and predicaments about the world of modeling. They were quite acceding unless it hampers my career.

When and what was your first modeling assignment?
My first shoot was for magazine ‘M’.

What did you aspire to become as a kid?
As a child I was somehow always fascinated to the world of glamour in my subconscious. So I am here doing it as a part time besides my work.

What sort of music do you listen to?
I prefer R&B and rock.  House music charges me up too

Your greatest achievement?
I am a big sports freak. In particular, it’s the adventure sports, a hint of which gives me an invincible high. One such expedition I can boast as my greatest achievement was a mountaineering trip from Gangotri to Rudragera in Himachal Pradesh standing at 19100 feets above sea level..

What do you think of bollywood as a career option?
It’s a great career option. It leaves you with umpteen opportunities. Everybody wants and aspires to go there but eventually few make through .

What is your idea of an ideal date?
Somewhat like going back to Rajasthan, cladding those colorful garbs and enjoying that sumptuous Rajasthani meal in a princely manner.

When not modeling what are you most likely to be found doing?
I spend most of my time working and hanging out with my friends. Infact I believe in strict 8 hours of daily hang out regime. (laughs)

Five essentials to be followed by an upcoming model?

  • Being Yourself
  • Confidence
  • Good communication skills
  • Being at right place at right time.
  • Hard work.

Differnce between Indian Models and Western Models. Who is a more viable choice internationally and why?
Western models are more open in their approach and have a broader perception of things. Besides they take their work more seriously viz-a-viz their Indian counterpart.

What is your dream destination?
I would love to go to Rome , Italy and Greece.






FAVORITE HOLIDAY DESTINATION: (pause)…. It is Rajasthan. I just want to visit this place again and again.