The hot and sultry, Carla Dennis enjoys the drooling men and envying women when it comes to her ample curves (which she believes are consequential to survive in Indian modeling industry) and love for life. The South African sex siren, Carla fell in love with India the time she stepped in for a modeling assignment and ended up claiming herself as a bollywood addict. 

Here is tete e tete with Carla Dennis.      

Tell us briefly about your formative years and academics?
I studied from Pretoria High School for Girls in 2002 and then moved along to the University of Pretoria, South Africa where I completed 3 years of my Bachelor of Laws degree.

How you bumped into your first assignment? How it changed your life?
My very first modeling assignment was to feature in a music video for MTV Africa Award winner Dare’. Then and there, I fell in love with the film industry.

What did you aspire to become as kid?
I aspired to become a chef. I have loved cooking ever since I was 5 years old.

Modeling comes with a short shelf life so where do you see yourself 10 years down the line?
I see myself as an actress, a business woman, wife and mother.

Where do you see yourself in this cut throat competitive industry? What’s your success mantra?
This industry is indeed very competitive. I love my job and I do my utmost to tackle every assignment to the best of my ability. The key to being a good model is to be comfortable within your own skin.

What’s your take on drug abuse and suicides which are so prevalent in the modeling industry?
Drugs and suicides are problems young people have had to tackle for years. These are problems in every walk of life and cannot be limited to the modeling industry. Drugs have become so socially acceptable and people have become naïve to the fact that its deadly. I have made a decision a very long time ago that I will never do drugs and till today I have lived up to that and will carry on doing so as long as I live. I hate what people become while under the influence of drugs and I would never want to be seen in that light.

Which designers have you worked with nationally and internationally? Whom do you find appealing your aesthetic senses most?
I have worked with Tarun Tahiliani, Rocky S, Farah Khan, just to name a few. Indian fashion and jewellry designers are outstanding and I don’t have any specific favorite one.

Which other projects have you graced with your presence? Any big project in pipeline?
I have done campaigns for Tanishq, Kinley Soda, Seagrams Blenders Pride and my most recent TV commercials are for Levis, and Livon. I have also been featured in TV commercials opposite Preity Zinta, Kareena Kapoor, Deepika Padukone, Genelia D’Souza, a music video with Vivek Oberoi and editorials with Saif ali Khan, Kunal Kapoor and a few others. As for projects in the pipeline, Keep watching this space……giggles.

How is Indian Modeling Industry different than rest of the world? How has been your experience here?
In India, I can feel comfortable with my curves unlike the rest of the world where it is a requirement to be very skinny. My experience in India has been nothing short of an amazing one. I love the people, the food, the culture, the language and everything about this country. I’m starting to become quite a Bollywood addict, I must admit.

How is Carla as a person? What does she like to do when not modeling?
Carla is the girl who loves to laugh, play and live her life in the present . I am a confident, nurturing and warm social butterfly who talks too much for her own good. When not modeling I unwind at the spa, connect with my family back home on Skype, go to the gym and spend time with my friends.

Which is the most cherished moment in your modeling career?
I am living my dream and every single moment is cherished.

What’s your beauty and fitness regime?
After shoots I remove makeup immediately and don’t wear much of it when not working. I am a firm believer in moisturizing the skin very well. I try and go to the gym when I have time but make up for it by walking everywhere I go…..(smiles)

What is your idea of an ideal date?
Wine, food, the beach and yummy dessert.

What’s your style statement?
Skinny jeans, a vest, killer heels and aviators.



FAVORITE PERFUME: Carolina Herrera 212


FAVORITE HOLIDAY DESTINATION: A deserted tropical island

FAVORITE MOVIE: Memoirs of a Geisha

FAVORITE BOOK: A Million Little Pieces by James Frey

THING YOU ARE ADDICTED TO: My job and chocolate

YOU ARE SACRED OF: Abandonment

MUSIC YOU LOVE TO LISTEN: Jamiroquai, Maxwell, Drake, Lauryn Hill, Snow Patrol, Foo Fighers, Linkin Park and of course House music.