It’s hard to imagine the ramp scorching Amanpreet Wahi asking choreographers to tell her the way she should walk but this Punjabi kudi from Delhi was literally shuddering and cursing herself when she alighted on the ramp for the first time. Walking on the corridors of Jesus and Mary college, learning French and dreaming the exotic lands, modeling came to her as a pleasant serendipity which she fell in love with later on. It was her final year in the college that she got a chance to host a show for Doordarshan and then a ramp show for Rashmi Virmani which paved her way to the kaleidoscopic world of fashion. On one hand she was climbing the ladders of success and fame and on the other her Father had given her an ultimatum – “Win the Gladrags or leave the profession”.  It was a do or die situation for her but Amanpreet knows life is all about – “Trying , erring, mending and winning”. She won the gladrags and shook the fashion world by her femme fatale looks. She reminisces that it was her goosebumps which she was nurturing standing on the podium waiting curiously to be declared as ‘Miss Gladrags’.

Being the undisputed debonair of modeling world for last 7 years Amanpreet finally married her love Raghav a year back. Speaking candidly Amanpreet confesses that it’s the love in the air which has changed her a lot and re-established her faith in the God.

So we got into a vivid chat with this uncrowned princess of Indian fashion scene known for her alluring and seductive looks.

Tell us briefly about you, family and schooling?
My dad wanted me to learn Punjabi so he put me into Guru Harkrishan Public school.I studied there till 10th. After my boards I was off to Australia for holidays but when I came back I found myself in DPS, Vasant Kunj. It was a sort of cultural and social change for me but I enjoyed my time there. I always like meeting people and making friends so I got a good exposure in those 2 years of my life.After that I took up English Honors in Jesus & Mary College and studied French too!

What is your parent’s viewpoint on you choosing modeling as a career?
My parents were quite hesitant about me joining this modeling thing. Like every parents they wanted me to be engineer or doctor. My relatives used to ask different  questions expressing their disapproval about my choice. But finally when I won the Gladrags my parents got confidence in me and things settled down.

When and what was your first modeling assignment?
It was a ramp show for Rashmi Virmani and I was very nervous but it shaped out quite well. Even today when I get down on the ramp I cross my fingers and pray to God before every show.

What did you aspire to become as a kid?
As a kid my parents wanted a good engineer or a doctor out of me. In their understanding they wanted me to land in the secure and stable harbors of uncertainty of life. But quite contrarily, I wanted to be an Air Hostess as I love traveling.

What is your
Favorite food: Italian and Chinese. But what I cant resist is “Ghar ka khana” specially kadhai Chicken and rice.

Favorite perfume: I don’t have any specific perfume. It keeps on shifting but just to name one I love Nina Ricci ( Apple flavor) these days the most .

Favourite lingerie brand: La Perla and La Senza .

Favorite International Designer: Salvador Ferragamo.

Favorite Indian Designer: I am a big designer freak as far as Indian designers are concerned. I like  J.J Valya,  Sabyasachi and Rohit Bal the most.

What is that one thing that you are very scared of?
Ghosts. Anything spooky leaves me crouched and shouting the fear out of me.

What sort of music do you listen to?
I simply love popular and house music. High beats and relentless thumping just repel me. It’s the hip-hop and R&B with some good lyrics that I prefer listening in my leisure time.

Your greatest achievement?
I am just 27 and have achieved a lot. People spend their entire lives unobtrusively. I know many models in their late twenties still waiting for a good break. I have a loving husband, fabulous family and great friends to cherish. I am all content. Speaking professionally it is the Gladrags that I can reckon as stars on my shoulder.

What do you think of bollywood as a career option?
It’s a great option. You do one or two films and you have plethora of avenues waiting for you. You can be an anchor, news-reader, radio host , vj or a judge in a reality show. I mean you will always have something to be a part of or associated with. As far as I am concerned I think bollywood is not meant for me. I have a niche in modeling and love walking down the ramps and bollywood will destroy that.

What is your idea of an ideal date?
Ummmmm….I think it should be beach side. Swirling winds , lovely weather, herons flying , dancing waves and peace all around. There must be love flowing with its arm open whispering sweet nothings. And, candle lit dinner with lovely sea food buffet and waves serenading in my ears.

When not modeling what are you most likely to be found doing?
When not modeling I get into house arrest and take care of it. In my leisure time you can find me cleaning, wiping and washing with those brooms and wipers in my hand. Besides, I love watching movie like a couch potato.

Any social cause that you feel strongly for and want to be( or you are) associated with?
Actually I am associated with quite a few social issues that have stirred me to stand for. Issues like Breast Cancer, Children’s Education and Female Foeticide have always caught my attention. But the cause I am mainly concerned for is AIDS awareness. Recently I was a part of  Mr and Miss Teen competition for youth organized in wake of AIDS awareness in our younger budding generation.

Five essentials to be followed by an upcoming model?
Reality Check – You must see yourself in mirror and truly ask what you are and you deserve. To be a model you must be tall and if you are not then go for the thing you are good at.

Confidence – It’s the confidence that differentiates between a good model and a not-so- good- model .

Enough time – You must have enough time at least 2 years to ensconce in this industry. Its not like the wonder- in- a -clap thing in this struggle demanding industry.

Presentability – It’s a sort of occupational hazard to always look great and presentable akin to it. People want to meet you like a model always. Nobody bothers about a bad hair day or tiring work regimes. You must be always glowing from head to toe.

PR  – Its most important that you have a good PR skill because it is the thing which will eventually land you on the ramp.

Differnce between Indian Models and Western Models. Who is a more viable choice internationally and why?
Why to compare? They are blonde and we are dusky but does that truly matter? At the end of the day modeling is all about those 2 minutes on the ramp. Its all about walking down the aisle with all your focus and strength. But professionally they are way ahead of us.

What is your dream destination?
As I told you that I love traveling and have traveled around the world but still the places I would love to explore are Miami, Hawai and Las Vegas.

What has been the most touching moment of your life?
When Raghav came into my life he brought a pleasant striation of changes along with him. He is a solid pillar of strength and a shoulder to rest and exude my all emotions out. I love him like anything and his presence is enough to bring a big smile on my face.