child model Ryan a six year old kid with Down syndrome has become one of the faces of Target for its exclusive childrenswear ad. The fair-haired boy with his beautiful blue eyes has completely captivated the mind of Target that the label decided to cast him in their new advert. The child model has portrayed an amazingly affectionate and natural gesture in the ad campaign.

The baby at such a tender age with such a disorder has also managed to grab the attention of one of the prevalent retailing abode Nordstrom, for whom he has already performed.  The boy’s family is pretty happy with his work and the effort made by the labels. They feel the assignments has swanked their little one’s self-confidence. The label Target for casting Ryan in their ad has received a lot of acclamation as the brand tried to convey their support to the special ones without differentiating the boy from the other child’s present in the ad. 

child model

It’s not the first time that a person with Down syndrome has been a part of a brand but before Ryan, little Taya Kennedy another special tot was opted by a UK based agency. The 16 month old Taya has centered a lot of attention from various pinnacled labels.