The Germany Collection by OPI embraces the classical elegance as well as the avant-garde that is modern Berlin. Add an extra classy German touch to the stylish collection as each classic colour imparts elegance with an edge, taking your summer wardrobe to a whole new level of fashion.

Burgundy (the season’s gorgeous and undisputed "new black") and Red appear in variations from dark to light. Much like the world-renown street art and vibrant swirls of graffiti that pop against the walls of Berlin’s historic buildings, brilliant sapphire (Unfor-greta-bly Blue); red-violet (Suzi & the 7 Düsseldorfs); deep aubergine (Every Month is Oktoberfest); sultry black olive (Nein! Nein! Nein! OK Fine!); and an on-trend, electric-lime yellow (Don’t Talk Bach to Me), contrast beautifully with the creamy, urban-chic neutrals like honey beige (Don’t Pretzel My Buttons); nude rose (My Very First Knockwurst); and light taupe (Berlin There Done That).

Availability: At leading salons and beauty stores

Price: Rs. 650/-