On the surface, The Worthy Opponents is an extravagant expression of abundance, grace and pride. The richness of colour, the symbols of royalty and the grandeur of the chandeliers – all are reminiscent of a royaldurbar. However, we become present to many other realities hiding behind this artificial surface of glitz and glamour. Artist Vishal Joshi, who sees himself as the protagonist, weaves multiple layers in the story, in the form of paintings, sculptures and installations.

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Vishal has interestingly portrayed the transient nature of political power through his signature spiral motifs. These motifs are an expression of his subconscious state. The jewel studded crowns and velvet upholstered thrones reflect the luxury and brilliance of gold. Yet they seem ephemeral, the solid shapes gradually melting down into arbitrary webs of spirals. Like in the painting “Emperor’s Script, Vishal uses his very own spiral script to show the annals recording the downfall of a throne, thus exposing the vulnerability of power. Isn’t that true even today? Be it the “satta” in Indian politics, the American Presidency or that corner office in your organization; an individual is merely a temporary agent of change on the seat of power.

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